The 2021 German Interim Management Market Survey Report

A market survey by DDIM e.V. in collaboration with the International Network of Interim Manager Associations (INIMA)

The survey was carried out in January 2021. It was restricted to DDIM Interim Managers. 220 managers responded from a total membership of 560, which is a typical response rate for a survey of this type.

  • During the pandemic the market volume was approx. 1.9 Bn. Euro and therefore, 9.7% below the record value of the prior year.
  • Utilisation of Interim Managers was 73% and has therefore slightly declined.
  • Day rates grew by approx. 3% up to 1.198 Euro.
  • For 2021 DDIM predicts a positive development of market volume, utilisation and day rates.

INIMA aims to be an International Network of Interim Manager Associations as a non-profit organization whose partners share common principles, values and a code of conduct. INIMA supports cross border collaboration to advance the Interim Management profession and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between the members of the INIMA partner associations. INIMA shall encourage communication, and share experiences, best practices and competencies.

Gemeinsam mit acht weiteren nationalen Interim-Management-Verbänden hat die DDIM nun die INIMA, International Network of Interim Management Associations, ins Leben gerufen.

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