Karlheinz Zuerl got a new Chinese Partner in Interim Management
Ein Beitrag von Interim Manager & DDIM Mitglied Karlheinz Zuerl
In response to the growing demand for German companies in China, Taiwan, and Vietnam to improve their local business development, Karlheinz Zuerl is expanding his team as an Interim Manager and Executive Consultant for electric-motion, environment, and machinery industry in Asia.
His international profile at DDIM has more than 10.000 views.
He found James Lu, a professional management consultant who has rich factory working experience from engineer to manager, and 10+ years of experience working in enterprise management in different industries including Electrical and Electronic, Automotive, Mechanical Engineering, Home Appliances, Communications, Building, and Construction, etc.
Feel free download James Lu’s resume and contact him directly for business support.
Despite the implantation of the China+1 strategy in most companies in China, which aims to lower their financial risks by driving business in neighborhood, countries outside of China, such as Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and India, China still plays the most important role for German companies due to the huge business opportunities of 1.4 billion potential customers. This is the reason why key players are still investing heavily here.
“Our strengths are in developing our staff to a high-performing culture and learning organization”, which is unique in Asia. It is a common misconception that if you train and educate people, they will leave and work for your competitors. Now, robots and automation are replacing a lot of humans, because they are able to work 24/7 and maintain good quality, which is crucial in automotive and high-volume production. This is certainly necessary but not enough. Instead, we focus on motivation, coaching, and vision and bring all staff behind our goals and KPIs, which lead to outstanding performance in all departments over the past 14 years.”, Karlheinz Zuerl summarizes his strategy.
Especially during the current COVID pandemic in China, which has caused unexpected challenges, experienced managers are required to remain focused on the business objectives and to provide the necessary oversight. Although employees in China are well protected by labor law, letting plants go bankrupt in order to get rid of expensive staff is not the best solution. A better option would be to restructure to attract new customers, involve existing customers, labor unions, landlords, and local governments in the process of communication, and relocate to places that are cheaper, even overseas if necessary.
“Never give up. Every problem has a solution. That is why we are looking for more qualified partners to join our team to cover the urgent needs of our clients. But first, let’s welcome James Lu to our team”, Karlheinz Zuerl finalizes.
Karlheinz Zuerl is the owner of GTEC, German Technology, and Engineering Cooperation.
Karlheinz Zuerl, CEO, Gründer und Eigentümer der GTEC (German Technology & Engineering Cooperation China/Asien), ist Experte für die Geschäftsentwicklung in China. Der gebürtige Deutsche war als Manager in zahlreichen internationalen Projekten bei namhaften Originalherstellern in Europa, Amerika und Asien tätig. Er blickt auf über 40 Jahre Berufserfahrung in der Automobilindustrie zurück. Seit über 20 Jahren unterstützt er als Berater und Coach Unternehmen in den Bereichen Qualitätssicherung, Einkauf und Verhandlungsführung in Asien – hauptsächlich in den Bereichen Automobil, Maschinenbau, Elektrik und Elektronik. Seine fachliche Expertise in China, Indien, Japan, Korea, Malaysia und Vietnam und sein Eintauchen in die asiatische Kultur und das chinesische Lebensgefühl machen seine Stärke aus.