Interim Management: The New Career Choice for Senior Managers

Quelle: amazon.deInterim Management provides practical advice on how to succeed as an interim manager.

In this candid appraisal of interim management, Russell demonstrates the pitfalls and benefits of being an interim manager. Interim managers are most definitely not ‚between jobs‘, but are a new breed of ‚portfolio worker‘.

They are trained, professional, temporary managers, hired by organizations that need to increase their management strengths for a short period. They help to solve resourcing problems eg

  • they provide cover for someone who is absent or during a long recruitment campaign,
  • they handle projects that could deflect senior management attention away from key objectives,
  • international specialists provide help with acquiring, integrating, running and overhauling businesses overseas.

Unlike consultants they take on full responsibility for the process and the outcome – they manage and do rather than analyse and recommend. They become part of the client team. There are approximately 10 – 15,000 interim managers in the UK. The market is increasing by at least 30 per cent per annum.

Autoren: Dennis Russell, Ian Daniell
Verlag/Herausgeber: Aveton Books
ISBN-10: 0954974212 ISBN-13: 978-0954974213
Preis: 20,98
Erscheinungsjahr, 2. Auflage: 2005